Even Waist Size can Predict Heart Disease: NO more Expensive Test

Intermountain Medical Centre Heart Institute, Salt Lake City: Scientific study have revealed that even Waist size can predict heart disease which gives far more effective result than the body mass index (BMI).

Researchers from American College of Cardiology’s Scientific Session, Intermountain Medical Centre Heart Institute, Salt Lake City and John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore have today announced that having a huge weight at the abdominal region of your body can easily recognize that the patient is suffering from serious heart disease and also can be more specific to even identify either they are type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

According to the researchers, those patient or person have huge weight on their hip are more prone to have attacks with syndromes like high blood pressure, high sugar levels and high cholesterol and heart failure. And all these syndrome can be recognized due to increase in fats in the body.

In the observation carried out by the researcher, there are about 200 diabetic men and women who were free from heart disease. Then they are taken under CT scans to check the functions of their left ventricle; poor functioning of the left ventricle indicates heart failure and has the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.

So under these circumstances researcher like Brent Muhlestein, co-director of research Intermountain Medical Centre Heart Institute, Boaz D. Rosen, MD, of Johns Hopkins hospital have suggested that people who are having huge belly or fats around the abdominal region of the body is most likely to trigger their poor functioning of Left Ventricle of the heart and ultimately having high risk for Heart failure.

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