Google experimenting on Quantum Computers

Many technical giants like Microsoft, Google and IBM are using quantum computers for their benefits. On the other hand, there are some lacunae in quantum computers, like they can easily decrypt the day’s encryption. Google is trying to sort out the problem by connecting chrome in desktop and servers. This will further help in creating post-quantum algorithm and prevent decryption of content.

The company is carrying out further experiments to save the user data even from future quantum computers. On the contrary, the quantum computers are believed to be faster than current technology. Google is assuring that user security will not be taken granted in this experiment. This is done only on the post –quantum key exchange algorithms on a few connections. It is enabled in chrome Canary. Thus, users are able to check this if they are using the new algorithm for CECPQ1 under the key exchange in browser security panel.

Now the tests are conducted to be successful for future end flavors. Many companies are trying to improvise this technology to become faster and accurate. With time the disadvantages of quantum computers can be slowly eliminated or minimized.

Further, it has been notified by company officials that this will not become the standard algorithm. The experiment may extend to two years but will be replaced with a much better technology. The connectivity and lasting of this algorithm is more a concern but can be overcome with HTTPS curve elliptic key exchange algorithm.

Lt’s what is hold in future for the much anticipated quantum computers.

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