How A Masters in Civil Engineering Online Can Boost Your Career

You can get your engineering license with a bachelor’s degree and relevant experience. Furthermore, an undergraduate degree in civil engineering, plus several years of experience, can boost your career to senior management positions.

In other words, it is possible to grow as a civil engineer without a postgraduate degree. However, there is no denying the fact that a master’s degree can help you get ahead quicker in the civil engineering field.

Masters in Civil Engineering Online course

Let’s find out more about studying for your postgraduate and how you can boost your career with a master’s in civil engineering.

Get More Technical Knowledge

An undergraduate in civil engineering will introduce you to the field and provide fundamental knowledge in an area that you want to specialize in. A master’s degree, on the other hand, instills more technical knowledge.

Let’s assume you are doing your undergraduate program and you wanted to specialize in construction engineering. While the bachelor’s program will only handle the fundamentals of the subject, you get more into detail when doing your master’s degree.

Easier To Get A Promotion

Someone with a master’s degree in civil engineering stands a better chance of getting a job than someone with an undergraduate degree. That is when all other things are kept constant and assuming there is limited work experience with both candidates.

What’s more, employers are also more likely to provide you with greater responsibility if you have a postgraduate in civil engineering as they assume you have more technical knowledge in the field. Furthermore, this increases your chances of getting a promotion. On the other hand, the employer is likely to take things a bit slower with an employee who only has a bachelor’s degree.

Higher Pay

Between two candidates—one with a bachelor’s degree and the other with a master’s degree—you can expect the latter to get a higher starting salary. Naturally, the employer assumes they can handle bigger and more complex tasks than the undergraduate holder.

That said, if you plan on getting a master’s degree, it is important that you study immediately after you are done with your undergraduate program. It is harder to go back to school once you have started working. Furthermore, you might get married and start a family, which adds more pressure and responsibility.

Study Online

If you have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and you plan on furthering your studies, one great option is through an online master’s degree. This allows you to get the best of both worlds. This way, you will not need to quit your job and you can choose the most convenient time to study.

Masters in Civil Engineering Online

Furthermore, your employer may offer tuition incentives for workers who plan on going back to school. Your certification from an online master’s degree program will also strengthen your credibility in the field, as well as display to your employer your willingness to enhance your skills. 

Let’s now take a look at some of the most popular civil engineering jobs that you can get with a master’s in civil engineering degree:

  • Construction Engineer

A construction engineer’s work involves overseeing construction projects, revising construction plans, as well as evaluating the progress of the construction project.

The basic salary of a construction engineer is $68,200 a year.

  • Structural Engineer

Their role is to make plans and create designs for different infrastructure constructions such as pipelines and bridges. They will also be available at the construction site and will work closely with the construction engineer.

The basic salary for a structural engineer is $67,600 a year.

  • Water Resource Engineer

They create plans for various water infrastructures such as dams, sewer systems, and pumping stations. Water resource engineers will also ensure the proper use and maintenance of water infrastructure. Moreover, they work closely with structural and construction engineers on a project.

The basic salary for a water resource engineer is $66,000 a year.

  • Geotechnical Engineer

Their role is to analyze and research on the stability of foundations, and if they are ideal for future construction projects. They will also find solutions to some geological hazards.

The basic annual salary for geotechnical engineers is $66,200.

Note that the salaries will vary between states.


If you have decided to choose civil engineering as a career path, then you can boost your career with a master’s degree. It is advisable to study for your master’s degree immediately after completing your undergraduate program. However, you can still pursue your postgraduate in civil engineering with an online degree. Whether you want to specialize in construction engineering, geotechnical engineering, or others, a master’s degree can help you achieve your goals.

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