New Study Develops A Link Of Caffeine With Pregnancy Loss!

According to a new study, people who drink more than little caffeine while trying for pregnancy have a likelihood of losing that pregnancy, as per a report dated March 24, 2016.

This study applies to women and men alike, and whoever drinks over more cups of caffeinated drinks before pregnancy such as coffee, energy drinks or sodas have twice the chances of losing that pregnancy early on. On the other hand, if women consume caffeine after conception have a likelihood of miscarriage.

This is the first study which shows that what men drink and eat can have an effect on fertility.  Germaine Buck Louis, the researcher of this study from National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, stated that there is something about consuming caffeine which has an association with pregnancy loss.

However, women taking multivitamins before pregnancy or in early pregnancy faced 50 percent less likelihood of miscarriage, says the study.

The study involved around 344 couples in Michigan and Texas, who agreed to be watched as they tried conceiving.

Every caffeinated drink or every serving of fish or alcoholic drink that they consumed was noted down. Their weight was checked regularly, and they also gave blood, semen, saliva or urine samples for tests.

The idea was seeing how the ability of the woman for getting pregnant and staying pregnant is affected.

Our of 344 pregnancies, 28% ended up in miscarriage, reports the team. Women over 35 years of age had twice the risk of early miscarriage as compared to younger women.

Those who drank 3 or more cups of caffeinated beverages in a day witnessed a 74 percent increase in the risk of early pregnancy loss.

Louis stated that their findings indicated matters of male partner as well. Consumption of caffeinated drinks by men, before conception, had a strong association with pregnancy loss just as females.

Although the study didn’t look for differences in various caffeinated beverages, it did lump tea and coffee together with energy and soda drinks.

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