Trailer: Tapsee Pannu and Amit Sadh starrer,” Bhagayenge Hum, Nibhayenge Aap”!! Trailer: Actor Amit Sadh and Taapsee Pannu’s film ‘Running’ which got delayed for some reasons has now got a new release date. The name is self-explanatory – they help eloping couples get married. That’s the theme of the upcoming romcom starring Pink girl Taapsee Pannu and Amit Sadh.

The makers and actress herself shared the trailer on Youtube and quoted it,“This is it. Film that made me fall in love with my job and got me the honour of playing Minal Arora.”

Set in small town Punjab, Running Shaadi.Com promises a crackling chemistry between the lead pair and loads of fun with interesting supporting characters. Trailer: A confident Taapsee Pannu meets shy Amit Sadh!!

The story goes like, A young boy Ram Bharose and his friend Sarabjeet Sidhaana A.K.A. ‘Cyberjeet’ strike upon a unique idea of starting a website that helps young couples in Amritsar elope and get married. The website is called ‘’ and it offers a comprehensive array of services to facilitate runaway weddings. Tapsee is playing a punjabi Kudi in the movie.

While it reminds of Band Baja Baraat in some ways, it actually takes up the story up a notch. Directed by Amit Roy, Produced by Shoojit Sircar, scheduled to release on 3rd February, 2017.

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