Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus Might be more Impressive than We Thought

Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus Might be more Impressive than We Thought:- Very soon, all the iPhone lovers will have the upcoming smart phone model of Apple, i.e. the iPhone 7 is on the way. It is expected to arrive in the month of September 2016 which is very near. It will coming with great new functionalities and features that the users will definitely love to use. According to the latest report, the new iPhone 7 will come up with 3 GB RAM which is more as compare to its predecessors. But it was not mentioned in the report that whether both iPhone 7 models or just the iPhone 7 Plus model will provide the amazing increase in memory.

It is due to the fact that iPhone 7 model will be graced by more RAM. The camera of the iPhone 7 will require more memory to operate as per the latest rumours. From a long time, the Apple was planning to add more RAM to atleast one of their iPhone 7 handsets. A reputed analyst issued a note telling that the iPhone 7 Pro will have 3GB of RAM so that it can fulfil the technical requirements of the device due to its new camera system. The iPhone 7 Pro will arrive with an advanced dual camera system based on technology used by LinX.

Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus


The LinX was taken over by Apple and before being acquired by Apple, the LinX was one of the topmost company that uses best camera technology and delivers superior camera performance with improved photo quality in low light, improved colour fidelity, decreased noise levels, etc. The iPhone 7 will going to provide 3 GB RAM due to the latest mobile camera technology that requires it.

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