4 Signs that You Should Not Be Working with a Lawyer

Lawyers should be there to protect the rights of their clients and make sure that they are properly represented and compensated. But, in reality, many of them are in it purely for personal gain. They really couldn’t care less about the stress and injuries you have suffered; their main goal is to get as many people through the door and spend most of their time on big settlements. You also have some who are simply incompetent. Let’s take a look at a few signs that you should not be working with a lawyer.

You Can’t Understand a Word of What They’re Saying

You’re not hiring a lawyer simply so they can talk on your behalf. You also need someone to explain and guide you through the procedure. They should be open to questions and be able to explain things to you in plain English. If they’re dismissive, patronizing, or seem annoyed, then this is definitely not a good sign.

You Can’t Reach Them

If you can never get hold of your lawyer, this is another issue. We’re not saying that you should have direct access to them 24/7, but they should give you the opportunity to get in touch with them or get a response fast. You should also be able to get in touch with someone at the firm who’s familiar with the case.

They Rarely Go to Court

Another red flag is a team that rarely goes to court. Some may not be as keen to go all the way and will try to get a hasty settlement instead. This is why you need to work with a team that is known for taking cases to court. Look for a firm that won’t hesitate to represent you and can work on settlements as well. You want a team that can do both as there are cases where a settlement would be the better option.

This could reduce the time the procedures take, but you could also get a better deal if you have a solid case. On the other hand, insurance companies know lawyers very well and can sense when they’re dealing with someone who wants to get a quick settlement versus those who are ready to go to court. Choose the former and you have a very high chance of getting a bad deal. Not only that, but the lawyer might pressure you to do so knowing that you could get much more.

Do You Actually Need a Lawyer?

You should also know that you may not need to hire a lawyer in all cases. Some could be settled in the small claims court. Your injuries may not be serious enough to work with a personal injury lawyer, but you could still get compensation. If you’re located in Missouri, here’s an informative article on how small claims court works in the state. You’ll learn what type of cases are settled there and when you should consider working with a lawyer.

These are all things you should be looking for when working with a lawyer. We also suggest that you consider other choices if you don’t think you have a solid enough case on your hands.

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