Shocking news came out of the Air India’s flight in which a passenger named Rahul Raghuvanshi was found a cockroach in his meal while traveling. Rahul was about to eat a piece of onion, was shocked when he found that it was actually a cockroach. According to reports, an engineer and a journalist Rahul Raghuvanshi, who works in Boston, Massachusetts, was travelling to Chicago from Delhi when he found the gross fried cockroach in his meal.
We apologies for any inconvenience caused.We have a zero tolerance policy in this respect.Obligatory action is taking place
— Air India (@airindia) November 16, 2016
A vegetarian meal stuffed with cockroach was disgusting, to say the least. A passenger was shocked to realize what he almost ate. He shared his terrifying incident through his twitter account.
In a converstation to ScoopWhoop, Rahul told “ “they served us the food and I ate half of it before I came across the fried cockroach in my food. For a second I thought it was fried onion or something, but it wasn’t. I had it on my fork and almost ate it. The second I realized that it was a fried cockroach, I freaked out! I felt disgusted and humiliated. It’s the last thing you’d want to see in your vegetarian meal. I complained to the cabin crew and they apologized. But when you’re fed a cockroach, an apology is certainly not enough to undo the agony that you were put through. It left me with a horrible headache, I was bloated and felt sick to my stomach. When I asked the cabin crew for medicine, they never returned back to me with one or an answer saying they didn’t have any. I have been feeling sick since then.”
Not only Air India refused medicine after serving cockroach, but also misplaced Rahul’s luggage.
“I don’t see myself or any of my friends and family traveling with Air India ever again. It truly was the worst flight of my life. They also misplaced my baggage when I arrived in New Delhi and didn’t hand it over until 5 days later,” he quoted to ScoopWhoop.
Air India has reportedly begun an investigation into the matter and has sent a notice to the caterer who was given the responsibility for distributing food on its flights.