Amazing Benefits of Black Tea:Black tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. All four types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis.

Two principal varieties of the species are used: The small-leaved Chinese variety plant used for most other types of teas, and the large-leaved Assamese plant, which was traditionally mainly used for black tea, although in recent years some green and white have been produced.
While green tea usually loses its flavor within a year, black tea retains its flavor for several years. For this reason, it has long been an article of trade, and compressed bricks of black tea even served as a form of de facto currency in Mongolia, Tibet and Siberia into the 19th century.
Black tea accounts for over ninety percent of all tea sold in the West.
Black tea contains caffeine, carbohydrates, potassium, minerals, fluoride, manganese and polyphenols. It also contains Tannin, Guanine, Xanthine, Purine, Catechins and Gallic esters. Polyphenol as an antioxidant is associated with many health benefits.

Amazing Benefits of Black Tea : Health Benefits
Preventing cancer – antioxidants like polyphenols found in black tea help to prevent the formation of potential carcinogens in the body which results in preventing cancers like that of the colorectal, prostate, ovarian, lung and bladder. Black tea can help to prevent breast, prostate and stomach cancer. The compound known as TF-2 contained in tea promotes death of cancer cells and allows normal cells to remain unaffected. Black tea can also reduce the risk of oral cancer in those who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products. Black tea prevents the growth and formation of malignant tumors.
Boosting the Immune System – it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in order to fight different viruses and bacteria that can cause illnesses. Substances known as tannin contained in black tea has the ability to fight viruses like influenza, cold, flu, dysentery, hepatitis and others. One type of tannin called catechin is known to help in suppressing tumors. Alkylamine antigens present in black tea helps to boost the immune responses. One should opt to drink 3 to 4 cups of black tea per day in order to reduce inflammations as well as harmful pathogens.
Good for Cardiovascular system – Research has shown that consuming black tea helps to prevent the onset of cardiovascular problems. There are antioxidants present such as flavonoids which help to prevent the LDL cholesterol from being oxidized. Damage to blood stream and artery walls is reduced and the risk of heart diseases is also lowered. Consuming black tea can help reverse coronary artery diseases which come on due to endothelial vasomotor dysfunction. The flavonoids are also effective in reducing blood clots and coronary vasodilation. Manganese and polyphenols also help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by keeping the heart muscles healthy.
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Free Radical Remover – free radicals can cause a lot of harm to the body such as cancer, atherosclerosis and blood clot formation. When one consumes unhealthy food the number of free radicals in the body increases. There are antioxidants present in black tea which help to remove such free radicals and protect the body from the onset of different ailments. Black tea is a good choice for such prevention.
Brain and Nervous System Stimulation – the low levels of caffeine content in black tea helps to promote blood flow to the brain without the jittery feelings brought on by high caffeine in coffee or stimulating the heart beyond the safe limits. Amino acid L-theanine present in black tea helps one to relax and concentrate on tasks at hand. If one consumes black tea four cups daily for one month they will find their stress levels going down caused by the cortisol hormone. The caffeine helps to boost the memory and mental alertness. It even protects against Parkinson’s disease.
Bones and Tissue – there are powerful phytochemicals present in black tea which can help to strengthen bones as well as connective tissue. Black tea drinkers have been found to possess healthier bones.

Amazing Benefits of Black Tea : Some More
Better Digestion – tannin present in black tea is beneficial for digestion. It can combat different kinds of intestinal and gastric illnesses and has a therapeutic effect. There is an anti-diarrhea effect as well which helps in the intestinal activity. Polyphenols present in tea helps to lower intestinal inflammation which cause irritable bowel syndrome.
Maintaining Oral hygiene – the catechin antioxidants present in black tea help in reducing oral cancers. Tannin and polyphenols contain antibiotics which inhibit bacteria which can cause tooth decay. Black tea also contains fluoride that fights bad breath as well as eradicates harmful bacteria from the oral cavity. Two cups of black tea provide good amount of fluorides for oral health.
Higher Energy Levels – black tea drinkers have found it to be an energizing drink. The moderate levels of caffeine in it act as a stimulant to increase alertness and brain function. Caffeine in black tea is more beneficial than the caffeine content in coffee or cola like beverages. The theophylline compound found in tea helps to stimulate the kidneys, heart and the respiratory system. Such compounds can help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
Lowering of Cholesterol – black tea helps to reduce the level of triglycerides. Bad cholesterol or LDL levels are reduced which in turn reduces the risk of heart diseases. The functioning of arteries is improved as well.
Helping Weight Loss – as black tea is low in fat, calories and sodium; it is beneficial for those who wish to lose weight. It can act as a substitute for unhealthy drinks like the carbonated beverages and prevent calories, also helps to boost the metabolic activities and thus helps in weight loss.
Other Effects – the antioxidants called catechins help to strengthen the blood vessels and tannin helps to increase the resistance of the body. Tumor growth is retarded, allergic responses are reduced and onset of diabetes is also averted.

Amazing Benefits of Black Tea : Hair and Skin
The benefits of black tea for the skin and hair are several. It is considered to be good for the skin as it contains vitamins like C, E and B2. There are minerals present like zinc, potassium and magnesium as well as tannin and polyphenols.
- The high caffeine content in black tea helps to kill oral viruses and prevents skin infection. It helps to keep the skin blemish free.
- Tea bags in moist and warm condition placed over the eye will help to reduce puffiness.
- Black tea helps to reduce premature wrinkles and pimple formation. If one is suffering from skin problems they can try and consume one or two cups of black tea everyday to see the benefits.
- The antioxidants that are present in black tea can ward off skin cancer.
- Extracts of tea can act as sun blocking agent if applied on the skin.
- Tannins and Polyphenols present in back tea helps to accelerate the skin regeneration process.
- One can have glowing and blemish free skin by drinking black tea. The tannins protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. It also helps to improve the blood circulation and fight bacteria in the body.
- Caffeine which is present in black tea helps to decrease DHT hormone which can cause hair loss.
- Caffeine taken in moderation can help to stimulate hair growth while excessive caffeine can stunt growth of hair.
- Black tea rinses as part of hair care regime can help to add shine, natural darkness and luster.
- Black tea acts a natural dyeing agent. It is suitable for women who have dark brown or black hair and wish to get rid of grey hair. Black tea rinse will help to bring out natural highlights in the hair.

Amazing Benefits of Black Tea: Nutritional Values
Black tea is known to contain caffeine, carbohydrates, potassium, minerals, fluoride, manganese and Polyphenols. It also contains tannin, guanine, xanthine, purine, catechins and gallic esters. Polyphenol as an antioxidant is associated with many health benefits. The nutritional value of black tea can be summarized as follows:
- Low in calories and sodium – black tea being low in calories as well as sodium is advantageous for people who wish to have a healthy substitute to unhealthy drinks.
- Antioxidants – black tea is known to contain complex flavonoids such as polyphenols which plays an important role in preventing diseases. A cup of black tea will provide 200 mg of flavonoids. Theaflavins, thearuigins are powerful antioxidants. Drinking three cups of black tea can help increase the concentration of flavonoids in the blood stream.
Indeed there are amazing benefits of black tea. Consumed in moderation it will provide good effects but in large doses it can cause digestive problems, varicose veins, acidity, palpitation, insomnia and others.
(Inputs- Wikipedia/health tips)
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