Android Nougat Updates Coming Soon On Nexus 5X and 6P

Android Nougat Updates Coming Soon On Nexus 5X and 6PAs now a days the rumors about the android Naugat is on fire. As right now the latest update of android is Marshmallow. So lets have a look what you will get in your upcoming Android Nougat Update. If you are getting bored of watching the similar widgets and launcher so it this time there something for you as in Android Nougat, Google have added new features and also redesigned the launcher in the 2016 Nexus devices.

It is said by Evan that Android Nougat will lunch this month, in his tweet he also mentioned Andrid Nougat not be for the LG made Nexus smartphone right now this update will be available from the 5th August for the Nexus 5X and 6P. So just have a look on the revamped Google launcher what all you get in this which makes it more better from the earlier ones.

Android Nougat Updates Coming Soon On Nexus 5X and 6P

Google Nexus launcher

These are major changes what you would like to see in the Android Nougat on your Nexus

  • The Google search bar is removed now, by the sliding “G” icon and to search just tap on the “G” icon.


  • You also get the Google personal assistant which will give you the new experience.
  • Google has eliminated it’s app drawer icon in it’s latest update. Now you have to pull up the lower dock to reveal your app drawer.


  • The folder icons are redesigned which gives you a new experience with new icons look.
  • In the camera app for the exposure settings you can do it more faster when you tap on  the screen to focus and slide on the right hand side to get exposure feature you can manually change exposure by sliding up to allow more light and sliding down for less light.
  • In the security basis Google also updated Phone App which will automatically blocks the spam calls.

Here we have listed the some features of the Android Nougat but there will be lots more you will get in your upcoming Android Nougat which will launch on 5th August. We are sure this update with the redesigned and google has got new wallpapers including the live wallpapers also so get ready for it. We hope you like our article this time also share it with your friends and relatives on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

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