The April Fool’s Day History Is Yet To Be Confirmed

1st April is celebrated as April Fool’s day all over the world. The April Fool’s day is not a holiday in any country. But, it is celebrated by making small pranks, practical jokes and make others fool. On every April fool’s day, you must stay alert because people try fooling and even news, media, websites, offers etc with some fake updates and offers. But there is a history behind why this international day of silliness is celebrated every year on 1st April only which many people didn’t aware of.

History of April Fool’s day:

The April Fool’s day remains the mystery and there are some random stories. According to the history channel , in late 1500s, in place of Julian calendar, Gregorian calendar started in France, but there were many people who were unaware about the new year date had moved so they kept celebrating during vernal equinox and their peers started to tease them, and this is how April Fools day started.

People of different of celebrate this occasion in different ways. According to French moments, kids make some fish figures and stick them on people’s back and run away. In Franch, April Fools day is popularly known as Poisson d’Avrill.

As per reports of Time, people in Portugal, traditionally revelers throw flour on each other. Whereas in Scotland, people dispatch friends on pointless errands.

Some memorable April fools day pranks:

According to the New York Graphic on 1st April 1878, the announcement was made by them about Thomas Edison invented the new the machine which is capable of turning soil into cereal and water into wine, this news ran by all the leading newspapers, many people believe this news but later it was declared as the prank.

Google, the search engine giant also made their users fool in 2011 by saying people would be able to use motion gestures with hand to compose  messages.

Even celebrities, Jon Lovitz, and popular model Jessica Lowndes pranked everyone by spreading the news that they were engaged just before 2 days of before.

Taco Bell in 1996 claimed that they have purchased Liberty Bell and they are going to rename it. Whereas Burger King declared Left handed whopper and freaked out the nation. These are some memorable pranks from the past.

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