Bollywood Director Mahesh Bhatt receives threat of killing him, Alia and his wife Soni Razadan

Bollywood Director Mahesh Bhatt: Bollywood renowned director Mahesh Bhatt was threatened by an unknown individual of killing his wife Soni Razdan and daughter and famous actress Alia Bhatt if he fails to fulfil his demands.

The unknown called Bhatt and demanded a ransom of Rs 50 lakh from him and threatened of death if he fails to pay the amount.

Bollywood Director Mahesh Bhatt receives threat of killing him, Alia and his wife Soni Razadan

Bollywood Director Mahesh Bhatt:  Individual threatened him on Whatsapp after phone call

The unknown claimed of being a gang leader and issued threats to the director. At first, he ignored the call thinking that someone is doing prank with him but when he  started sending text and Whatsapp messages warning him to not to take threats lightly, then he decided to  inform the police

A case has been registered against the unknown under section 387 (causing a person to fear death or grievous hurt, in order to commit extortion). The case is being probed by the Mumbai Police’s Anti-Extortion Cell along with the other police departments.

An individual asked Bhatt to deposit the amount in a Lucknow-bases bank branch while threatening if he would not follow his instructions, he will kill Bhat, Alia and Soni.

Bollywood Director Mahesh Bhatt receives threat of killing him, Alia and his wife Soni Razadan

Security beefed up around directors’ families’ residence

His exact words were: “If you fail to do so, I will fire several rounds of bullets in your daughter Alia and wife Soni.”

The security has been deployed around the Bhatt residence in Juhu and neighbouring bungalow of Alia Bhatt.  Mahesh Bhatt has earlier also received death threats. Around 13people belonging to a certain D gang had plotted to eliminate Bhatt and his whole family but were arrested later.

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