Chandra Grahan 2022: The Moon enters Earth’s shadow, also known as the Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align. A total lunar eclipse known as Chandra Grahan will occur today in Eastern Asia, the Pacific, North America, and Australia.
Chandra Grahan 2022’s duration and timings in India Today’s lunar eclipse will last one hour and twenty-four minutes. The partial phase will last for 3 hours and 38 minutes, while the penumbral phase will last for 5 hours and 52 minutes.
The moon will gradually enter Earth’s lighter outer shadow, or “penumbra,” before entering Earth’s darker inner shadow, or “umbra,” before reaching totality and eventually emerging from the other side. This will take place over nearly six hours. The entire event will take place on the West Coast of the United States from 12:01 a.m. PST until just before 6 a.m. The total eclipse phase will last about 90 minutes and reach its peak at 3 a.m.
On Kartik Purnima, or November 8, 2022, a lunar eclipse will occur after Diwali. India’s northeastern states can clearly see the lunar eclipse. Chandra Grahan’s 2022 date and time in Hindi indicate that the lunar eclipse will be fully visible in some parts of India, while the majority of the country will only be partially visible.
According to Chandra Grahan 2022 date and time Hindi, an astrologer and NASA scientist has predicted that the lunar eclipse in India will not begin until the moon has emerged in the evening. Arunachal Pradesh, in the northeast of India, will witness the first total lunar eclipse as soon as the moon rises on November 8.