Delhi: Air Ambulance Crash Lands, Several Injured

In a tragic incident, an Air ambulance with seven people on board that took off from Patna crash landed on Tuesday afternoon after its engine breakdown. The pilot decided to make an emergency landing just before crashing at the outskirts Najafgarh area of  South West Delhi.

 Air Ambulance Crash Landed in Delhi

According to the reports, the Air ambulance had solicited for an emergency landing at the Delhi Airport before it crash landed. It is a chartered flight from Patna to Delhi. The seven seated Air Ambulance belongs to the Alchemist Airlines.

It is learnt that, the Air Ambulance was carrying nearly seven people including the pilots, at least two people were injured when the plane crash landed in Delhi at around 2:45 PM. However, the injured people are safe, according to the reports.

The Air Ambulance comprising of two pilots, two doctors and 1 male nurse, 1 patient and 1 attendant. The injured people were rushed to the nearby hospitals. Fire brigades and ambulances have been also rushed to the spot.

Virendra Rai a heart patient has been transported to Delhi Hospital from Patna was rushed to the Medanta Medicity, says the report.

As per the reports, the plane that crash landed was suspected due to the engine breakdown.

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