Gujarat International Finance Tech City: In a speech on the occasion of the inauguration of the first exchange at the GIFT city in Gujarat on Monday, PM Narendra Modi said that he would like to see the GIFT City “become the price setter for at least a few of the largest traded instruments of the world”.
Gujarat International Finance Tech City Inauguration on Monday – PM says it is an ‘important landmark’ for greater progress of the country

PM said that the project was started to create a Finance and IT zone for India for the purpose of providing services not only in India but in the entire world. He added that he always wanted to bring the brainy talent of Indian origin back to the country
“Indians have a long tradition in mathematics. India invented the concept of ‘zero’ and the ‘decimal system’ more than two thousand years ago. It is no accident that Indians are now at the forefront of Information Technology and Finance, both areas of knowledge where zero plays a crucial role!”
He called the inauguration of the exchange an “important landmark” for the achievement of the vision for providing Indian talent the world class facilities in Finance and IT.
On the employment front, he said that India needs to create thirty crore new jobs in next two decades. With the international exposure attained from the GIFT city, Modi said that there would be greater employment generation than before.
“India can become a developed country in one generation…the new cities will help in creating the country of our dreams”, he added.