Japan Earthquake: Another hit by the Mother Nature to the country

Tuesday morning when the people of Japan were in a deep sleep they never thought of such a welcome by the Mother Nature. Japan earthquake news got viral across the world around 6:00 am. The earthquake was massive at 7.4 magnitudes and hit the east coast of the country.

Japan Earthquake: Another hit by the Mother Nature to the country

Japan Earthquake: Damages

From the sources we got the news of injury of the local resident is somewhat in a less ratio. Though warning has been circulated by the officials and people have been warned from the major hit of Tsunami.

The earthquake has hit east of Fukushima area and officials have asked the locals to vacate the place ASAP to prevent from any major damages.

If we look at the history of Japan than it would come to our knowledge that the relation of Japan with the Mother Nature has not been up to the mark.

But the good thing about this country is that they have fought with such consequences before and they are also prepared for any further challenges: reported by sources.

Japan Earthquake: Another hit by the Mother Nature to the country

Injuries and Recovery

According to the sources, the number of people hit by the earthquake has founded few. But with the pro-activeness of the official’s quick first aid facilities has been provided to the victims.

According to the Meteorological Agency of Japan, the depth of earthquake which struck the area of Fukushima is 30km (18.6 miles).

Now, this has been concerned for the most and nation’s around the world is in shocked and praying for the people of Japan.

According to the sources, calls for help already embarking to the officials of Japan and this seems to be a sign of unity which will give courage to the people of the nation.

After Japan Earthquake the prime minister of the nation “Shinzo Abe” has put his empathy for their people and also has thanked the people of the world for their warm and enthusiastic support.

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