The Final Trailer of Logan Movie is Out and Old Hugh Jackman is Equally Kickass in Final Instalment

As the release date of the final instalment of Wolverine series, named as LOGAN is coming close, the team has released the final Logan trailer. This is said to be the sequel of 2013 ‘The Wolverine’ and reportedly Hugh Jackman’s last movie as the popular X-Men character.

Final Logan Trailer is Out and Old Hugh Jackman is Equally Kickass in Final Instalment

The final trailer has been released, and while it’s not as immediately grim as the first, it’s another sign that this is going to be very unlike any other superhero movie out there. And the X-Men magazine is the one major thing that attracted many eyes and it is said to be for the movie exclusive use.

Check out the final Logan trailer Here:

Logan | Trailer 2 [HD] | 20th Century FOX

The new trailer shows the both funny and intense side of the movie and this new glimpse is more action-packed than the first teaser. Logan Final trailer shows Dafne Keen in action as Laura Kinney – the mysterious young girl who may or may not be a clone of Logan himself — it also purposefully plays against any expectations the audience might have about the character from the X-Men movies.

Final Logan Trailer is Out and Old Hugh Jackman is Equally Kickass in Final Instalment

In fact, it even opens with Logan leafing through an X-Men comic Laura is reading, saying, “Maybe a quarter of it happened, and not like this.” Also, the girl is seen playing some really intense action sequence and beating the bad guys and is similar to what Wolverine is and “She is just Like Logan” as a dialogue says in the movie. The movie is expected to be more action-packed and Hugh Jackman is killing it with his Old-man look.

Logan, once again directed by The Wolverine’s James Mangold, and also starring future emoji poop Sir Patrick Stewart as an aged Professor Charles Xavier, slashes into theatres March 3 in most of the international markets except Germany where the movie will be showcased in February during the Berlin International Film Festival.

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