Mark Zuckerberg Hacked – Facebook CEO’s Twitter and Pinterest Hacked by OurMine

Mark Zuckerberg hacked :- Mark Zuckerberg is one such name which probably everyone has heard of. That is probably one of the perks of being the founder of one of the world’s most popular websites. Anything relating to him is bound to hit the headlines. OurMine, a hacking group which targets the social media accounts of high profile personalities, has hacked Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts.

Mark Zuckerberg hacked
For the third time in the year, Mark Zuckerberg hacked by OurMine.

The group has posted Zuckerberg’s old and new Twitter password on their website. The post on the OurMine website says :-

“today our team reached to Mark Zuckerberg accounts again…

how did we hacked him again? we have our private methods, so please don’t ask this question, and no it’s not using leaked databases


What did you hack from him? Twitter & Pinterest

What his password was? his password previously was dadada , and we told him to protect his own accounts, but unfortunately he didn’t listen and he used easy password again, but at least he enabled 2-step verification on his twitter, but his password now is dr1nkbur”

Mark Zuckerberg hacked

How was Mark Zuckerberg Hacked?

OurMine claims that they used private methods for the hack instead of using the leaked database. Around 2 years back, there was a huge breach on LinkedIn which resulted in the availability of a huge password dump. That dump was used by OurMine to hack Mark’s accounts.

This is what the previous hack looked like :-

OurMine also claimed responsibility of Mark Zuckerberg s hacked Instagram account. However, it was later confirmed that the Instagram account has not been compromised.

In the latest hack, the Pinterest account of Mark was left with the following message :-

“hey, it’s OurMine, don’t worry we are just testing your security, please contact us to tell you more about that and help you keep your accounts safe.”

They also left a link to their website.

Mark Zuckerberg hacked, Many other victims too

Sundar Pichai OurMine

Earlier, OurMine had hacked Buzzfeed and left some crypted messages on the site. Other accounts that they have recently targeted include Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Quora account, Twitter accounts of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Ex-CEO Dick Costolo.

They even claimed to hack Pokemon GO servers which resulted in denial of service. However, it turned out that the problem arose due to legit traffic on the servers. OurMine intends on increasing awareness about information security by targeting the high-profile accounts.

That was it. Let’s just hope that Mark does something about it and we do not hear ‘Mark Zuckerberg hacked’ again. Stay tuned for more updates.

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