Modi government spent 1100 crore : The Modi government is surrounded with controversies over a huge amount of money spent on its promotion from when the BJP has come into to the Power at centre. According to RTI information sought by an activist stated that Modi government has spent more than 1100crore to its various promotions till now. The information has raised a question against Modi government. The Government is again under the radar of opposition’s attack over this issue that has already been opposing government’s demonetization move.

A resident of Great Noida RTI activist Ramveer Tanwar has filed RTI in which he had questioned the Information and Broadcasting Ministry about the total amount BJP has spent on its advertisements since it took charge of Center. The report from the ministry informed that the Modi government spent 1100 crore rupees on broadcast, community radio, digital cinema, internet, Doordarshan, production, SMS and telecast.
Here is a detailed information about the money spent by Modi government:
Year Rupees
2014 9.07 crore
2015 5.15crore
August 2016 3.86crore
2014 6.61crore
2015 14.13crore
August 2016 1.99crore
2014- 64.39
2015- 40.63 crore
Community Radio
2014 – 88.40 lack
2015 – 2.27 crore
August 2016 81.45 lack
Digital cinema
2014 – 77 crore
2015 – 1.06 crore
August 2016 – 6.23 crore
2014 – 2.36 billion
2015- 2.45 billion
August 2016 – 38.71 crore
2014 – 8.20 crore
2015 – 13.90 crore
August 2016 – 1.29 crore
Money spent by BJP government past two years
- 1 June 2014 to 31 Mach 2015 around 4.48 billion
- From 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 around 5.42billion
- From 1 April 2016 to 31Ausgust 2016 nearly 1.20 billion
RTI activist Ramveer said he was shocked after getting that the person who pays for a cup of tea from his pocket would have been spent innumerable money of the country. It is expected that the amount could be raised to 3000 crore in remaining period of the BJP government for its marketing.