James Bond blames Pan Bahar for contract-breach & wrong use of his image in Ad

Pierce Brosnan Pan Masala ad: Pierce Brosnan has accused the Indian brand Pan Bahar of deceptive use of his image in the Pan Masala Ad.

While the Hollywood actor said that he had agreed to endorse only one of its products containing “natural ingredients” with no harmful element in it, his image was seen in the Pan Bahar masala ad for a product that contains tobacco. He said that he had originally signed the contract to endorse Pan Bahar’s breath freshener and tooth whitener product that contained artificial colour.

Pierce Brosnan Pan Masala ad

Pierce Brosnan Pan Masala ad stirs controversy, actor accuses brand for contract breach

“As a man who has spent decades championing women’s healthcare and environmental protection, I was distressed to learn of Pan Bahar’s unauthorised and deceptive use of my image to endorse their range of pan masala products.”

-Pierce Brosnan

He further added, “I would never have entered into an agreement to promote a product in India that is dangerous to one’s health” while saying that he has great love and affection for India and its people.

Pierce Brosnan Pan Masala ad stirs controversy, actor accuses brand for contract breach-tc-img-preview-640x426

In an open letter, an Indian doctor and Bond fan reminded the actor about the harmful effects of the product ingredients that he had endorsed. In the letter, Pierce Brosnan was also reminded of the death of his first wife and daughter due to cancer.

Brosnan said that he apologised to the ones who he had hurt through the advertisement and condemned the act of company of grossly manipulating the ad.

Pan Bahar had accused the Indian doctor of the needless intrusion since the product being sold under the brand are legally allowed for sale in the market.

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