Suffering from Migraine? Soup is the best way to feel better

Soup is also known as an appetite enhancer and the safest way to stay fit.

There is a recent study which shows that if you are suffering from migraine then the best way to cure is drinking soup. Studies shows that low fat diet might help in reducing the headaches. According to Indian based researcher Brinder Vij, “The beauty of these diets is that they not only reduce headaches, but may produce weight loss and prevent heart disease”. Brinder is an associate professor at University of Cincinnati. In order to prevent headaches Vij suggested that three comprehensive diets can help in curing the headaches.


The diet includes, low in fat and low in carbohydrates which relieves and carries out the excessive stress from the body. These diets increase the Omega-3 Fatty acids and decrease the Omega-6 fatty acids. Brinder Vij further states, “Low fat diets block the amount of fat in the diet to less than 20 per cent”.


Apart from this, more than 180 studies have been reviewed to find and cure the migraine in the best possible way. Alcohols like red wine, vodka etcetera are the common triggers to migraine. The best way to stay away from migraine is to release the stress, better intake of diet and less on lacy and alcoholic products.

Vij states that, “Low carbohydrate diets like ketogenic can reduce headache frequency, but it should be considered under strict supervision. The diet limits the carbohydrates more than the well-known”. There was another study which was published in the Journal of Head and Face pain which suggests that regular drinking of caffeine is also a factor which causes Migraine.

Moreover, a person be it healthy or a migraine patient should avoid eating canned foods, snack foods, salad sauces, ketchup, seasonings etcetera. These are processed foods and are dangerous.


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