Tamil Nadu politics: On Wednesday, the Congress party while blaming Modi government said BJP is the reason behind for the political turmoil in Tamil Nadu and accused the Center of using Governor C.V. Rao as a puppet.
Congress spokesperson Surjewala attacked Modi government in a series of tweet on Twitter
“The AIADMK is also a Congress’ political opponent but one can’t ignore people’s mandate. One can’t bring down the government in a state using the Governor as a puppet,” Congress spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala said.
“It is a very serious issue. If the Narendra Modi government continues to do this, then the value of the Constitution and the law of the land will erode,” Surjewala added.
The statement came upon the political chaos in Tamil Nadu after CM Panneerselvam disgusted the appointment of VK Sasikala as a new chief minister. The swearing-in of Sasikala has delayed due to the Governor who has not back to Chennai from Mumbai.
Political turmoil in TN and Governor playing truant. Is he fulfilling his duties ? No. He is doing politics under direction of BJP.
— Digvijaya Singh (@digvijaya_28) February 8, 2017
Rao is doing politics under the influence of BJP
Senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh also accused Rao of doing politics under the pressure of Bhartiya Janata Part- Ruling at the centre.
“Political turmoil in Tamil Nadu and Governor playing truant. Is he fulfilling his duties? No,” Singh tweeted.
BJP member C.V. Rao has been serving Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra as a Governor.