The Damaging Topic Parents Should Avoid Discussing With Their Child

If you are parent and sometimes tend to run your mouth without your knowledge, then this new article will perhaps change your mind the next time, you think of giving your child a piece of you mind. While disciplining a child is very important, in other words talking to your child, it is also extremely vital that you do not hurt their feelings unknowingly.

That is because children tend to absorb and certain sensitive conversations can have severe long-term effects. Kids like to show a curiosity in everything and absorb their surroundings. Normally children who are between birth and three years have the brain increases to 80 percent. As a parent you will want to think twice about what you intend to tell your child, no matter the seriousness of the situation.

First calm yourself down and then talk to your child. But, we are humans after all and have said certain things, which we have regretted at some point of time or the other. Yes, we are under tremendous pressure on a daily basis, but kids are a gift from God and there is always a proper way to do things.

Discussing With Their Child

If your child was overweight, how to talk to them about it?

  • There is pull and push in several directions about this question.

A child is always concerned about the way he or she appears. They are always worried about what others will tell them especially in school. As a parent, you need to make sure that you do not make any comment about the weight of your child. Though you will tell them in a positive frame of mind, you need to understand that children can develop poor eating habits.

According to a research in which more than 500 women in their 20s and early 30s were asked to see their images in the mirror and comments make about their weight, by their parents. No matter the weight of the women, the comments said by their parents were extremely susceptible making them feel that they need to lose 10 or 20 lbs.

The New York Times spoke to Dr Neumark-Sztainer, who is a professor at the University of Minnesota, she said, “I try to promote the idea of speaking less and performing more. It helps as performing more tasks makes your home a better and happy place to bring out simple and effective physical activity and healthy eating choices, and speaking less about weight.”

She also advised parents not to take it hard on them, when their child is young, by adding, “there always need to have a conversation as it comes down to one thing, what is happening at home.”

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