Are you appearing for UGC-NET 2021? Get the latest updates about the UGC-NET Exam 2021, know about the application form, how to apply online, latest notices and notifications, and important dates here!

What is UGC-NET Exam?
University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts the National Eligibility Test (NET) twice a year to determine the eligibility of Indian citizens for the eligibility of Assistant Professorship, Junior Research Fellowship, or both, for Indian Universities and Colleges.

Futhermore, the awarding of a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and /or Qualification for a Professional Assistant depends on the combined performance of the candidate in Paper-I and Paper-II of the UGC-NET.
As of June 2018, NET was run by CBSE in multiple courses across the country. But from December 2018 onwards, UGC- NET is operated by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
UGC-NET 2021
UGC-NET is conducted twice every year. However, due to the postponement of December 2020 UGC-NET in view of COVID-19, the schedule of June 2021 UGC-NET has been delayed. So, to regularize the UGC-NET examination cycles, the National Testing Agency (NTA), along with UGC, has merged both UGC-NET of December 2020 and June 2021 cycles so that they be conducted together in CBT(Computer Based Test) mode. Hence, the Application process is reopened for the new applicants to fill in and submit their forms.
Important details
Additionally, detailed information about the UGC NET 2021 test dates, eligibility criteria admit card, and application form is provided below:
Application Form
- Candidates who registered for UGC-NET for the December 2020 cycle but could not complete the application process can complete and submit the application form online at and
- New candidates can also apply and fill the form.
- Application Form link – Visit here

How to apply online?
- Step 1: Firstly, register Online and fill out the application form using your own email address and mobile phone number and all the required details. Note the Application Number issued by the system.
- Step 2: Secondly, upload readable scanned pictures of:
- i) A recent photograph, either color or black and white, with 80 percent of the face visible, including ears on a white background
- ii) Identification proof,
- iii) 10+2 and graduation mark sheets
- iv) Copy of board or university for candidate’s name,
- v) Category certificate(IF APPLICABLE)
- (vi) the candidate’s signature on a white backdrop (file size: 4kb to 30kb
- Step 3: Lastly, pay the fee via the Payment Modes and Gateways of the relevant banks or Paytm linked within the Online Application and retain a copy of the fee receipt as evidence of payment. Application fees can be paid through online mode only. The fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.
Application Fees
Candidates can check the fee structure for all categories below:
Category | Application Fee |
For General Category Candidates | Rs. 1000 |
For General- EWS/ OBC – NCL | Rs. 500 |
FOR SC/ ST/ Transgender Category Candidates | Rs. 250 |
Important Dates
- The exam will be conducted from October 6 to October 11 in the year 2021.
- The Last date to register and submit the application form is 5th September (up to 11:50 pm).
- September 6 is the deadline for completing a successful transaction of the examination fee.
- Corrections have to be made to the application form, from the 7th until September 12.
- NTA will publish The admit card release date on the website later.
- The examination will take place at the following times: First shift is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and the second shift is from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Also refer: Official notice released by NTA on 10 August,2021

Important Update
- There is Relaxation in Age Limit of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for June, 2021 UGC-NET cycle. Read the official notice.
UGC NET 2021 Eligibility Criteria
We advise you to go through UGC NET Eligibility Criteria before filling the application form:
- Qualification: Candidates must have a Master’s degree or equivalent from any recognized institute/ university.
- Age Limit: There will be no age limit for assistant professor. For JRF, candidates check the notice given above. There will be 5 years of age relaxation for reserved category candidates (SC/ ST/ PWD/ OBC NCL and Women) and 3 years for LL.M. degree holders.
- Marks Criteria: Candidates must have obtained 55% aggregate marks (50% for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates) in their qualifying examination.
- Appearing: Candidates who are appearing in their final year will also be eligible to apply.
To summarize, through the above article, candidates can know about all the essential information related to the UGC-NET exam 2021 including the Application form and important dates. We wish your hard work pays off and you qualify with flying colors. Also, read about Examination preparation Tips, paper pattern, and time management techniques here.