VIP 2 First Look: As people geared up for a new beginning, Soundarya Rajnikanth gives a treat to all Dhanush fans. He shared the first look of Kajol-Dhanush’s upcoming flick Velaiyilla Pattathari 2. Reacting to the unexpected first look release, Dhanush thanked Soundarya for the sweet gesture. “Thank you, Soundarya, that’s a very sweet gesture. #vip2.thank you all for always standing by me. Love u all. Happy new year.”
VIP 2 First Look: ‘Story of an unemployed Civil Engineer’
The first poster shows Dhanush and Kajol facing off against each other at a construction site. Dhanush is dressed in a simple formal attire with a hard hat, as he reprises the role of Raghuvaran, everyone’s favourite civil engineer. Kajol, on the other hand, looks elegant in black as she stares down Dhanush.
The other poster, the actor sitting in a tea stall along with his fellow “Tea Kadai Rajas”.
The film revolves around an unemployed engineering graduate, Raghuvaran, and how he overcomes all the challenges to become successful. VIP 2 is a sequel to a 2014 Tamil action drama “Vela Illa Pattathari” aka “VIP”. It will be shot in Tamil and Telugu and both versions will be released simultaneously. It is co-produced by Kalaippuli S Thanu of V Creations along with Wunderbar Films.
This would be Kajol’s second Tamil film after her Kollywood debut Minasara Kanavu in 1997 with Arvind Swamy and Prabhu Deva that became a box office hit.