The problem for loss of hairs has become a big headache in every house. Safe styling practices, shampoo, and conditioning choices can be a great remedy to save hairs. As per the researchers, loss of hairs is normally found in African Americans. This type of condition is known as Trichorrhexis Nodosa which can affect anyone but it affects black people more. They get affected because of the structural differences in their hairs. This infection happens when a person is using dryers, chemical processing, permanent dye, straightening etcetera. But there are ways to save hairs and these ways can remove TN completely.
Physicians should consider Nonmedical techniques
Many dermatologists don’t recommend these ways to save hairs. Though they are simple but the technique is less likely used. According to assistant professor of dermatology, who works at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, “It is important for every dermatologist to help the patients with easy tips for resolving TN, and one of those can be helped through nonmedical techniques. We always try to recommend those remedies which are acceptable to everyone and dermatologists should consider nonmedical techniques as well.”
Chemical processing can damage the hairs completely as they eat up the protein source and make the hairs weak which leads to breakage. TN is increasingly found in Afro-Caribbean and black people who have curly hairs as they also use chemicals to get their hairs styled inviting the breakage. Physicians should counsel the patients by making them aware of the ways to save hairs. They should guide by telling them the techniques, through which hairs can be saved. The technique of shampooing and conditioning is an important factor for saving hairs.
Picking the Right Shampoo
Ways to save hairs
The first and foremost way to save hairs are choosing a good shampoo. The shampoo must be selected which suits the most. Many shampoos are filled with surfactants that add water to oil damaging the nutrients which hairs need. These kinds of toxins can break the hairs or banishes the growth of hairs. It is important to find the best suitable shampoo in the market.
Washing hair every day is not recommended
Ways to Save Hairs
Regular use of shampoo can also be dangerous and those people having tight curls should less often use the shampoo. This is because; sebum has a harder time coating this type of hairs. Those folks who have straight hairs should shampoo on a frequent basis because of more oil content in their hairs. This is another fine way to save hairs.
Conditioners should be left inside
During the washing of hairs, conditioners should be left inside the hairs for at least 10 minutes because the heat produced by conditioner nourishes the hairs in a better way. This is another important way to save hairs. Leave-in conditioners are not rinsed out, can be applied daily and are ideal for preventing damage from everyday grooming.
Researchers advise that this method is in use as it increases the moisture retention which enhances the hair elasticity. This technique should be followed with lightly blotting hair with a towel. Following this, oil or thick moisturizer like, Coconut oil or olive oil should be used. Then, hairs should be left to dry before you comb them.
These methods are safe and can be brought into effect any time of the year. These ways to save hairs will help in retaining all the important nutrients which are required to save hairs.
Source: Futurity (via John Hopkins University School of Medicine)