More than Cash of Rs 15 Lakh found on home and office will be seized, says Justice MB Shah

Special Investigation Team (SIT) Chairman Justice MB Shah implicated that in the coming time, anyone is found with cash worth Rs 15 at his/her home or office will be seized immediately. The SIT is formed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi which is headed by Justice Shah, a former Supreme court Judge.

More than Cash of Rs 15 Lakh found on home and office will be seized, says Justice MB Shah

More than Rs 3 Lakh deal without bill will be illegal

The former Judge said that he has told the government that if any purchasing or deal worth more than Rs 3 lakh are made in cash without the receipt will be seen as illegal. If someone purchases an old car or jewelry, if cash worth over Rs 3lakh is paid without bill, it will be termed illegal. Also, both people, who accepted the money and who paid for it will have to go through inquiry.

Special Investigation Team (SIT) Chairman Justice MB Shah implicated that in the coming time, anyone is found with cash worth Rs 15 at his/her home or office will be seized immediately

SIT heads have right to ask to any  central government officer if they suspect his involvement in black money deal

 With this rule, the wealthy businessmen having black money are left shell-shocked, Justice Shah added. This was not Justice Shah’s personal decision because the SIT that he heads is formed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself. At the same time, Justice MB Shah and his colleague Justice Arijit Pasayat constitutionally hold the right to ask any Principal Secretary or the Central government officer to show documents pertaining to any case that may implicate about transaction involving black money. Accordingly, an investigation undertaken by Justice is approved by Supreme Court.

More than Cash of Rs 15 Lakh found on home and office will be seized, says Justice MB Shah

Sarafa Market is under radar of Justice MB Shah

Along with modi, Justice Shah also has the support of Chief Justice of India, TS Thakur. While interviewing Doordarshan, Justice Shah said that he has got information about businessmen selling gold biscuits in black in Sarafa Bazar area.

They are selling the gold biscuits at higher prices in terms of old currency. Hence the Sarafa market is at the target of government as well as Justice Shah. According to him, if such deal is known to have taken place post-November 8, the investigators of Income Tax department will authorized to ask for PAN number to inquire the matter. If any regularity is found, then an investigation will be embraced against the buyer and seller.

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