The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has released an update to the Aadhaar card. People can now delete any prior versions of the mAadhaar app from their mobile devices and download and install the New mAadhaar App instead. Both IOS (Apple Store) and Android (Google Play Store) users can now download the latest version of the mAadhaar App. On mobile numbers registered in UIDAI’s database, this new mAadhaar App app can be used to access all Aadhaar card based services.
Aadhaar card holders can download their Aadhaar information on their mobile phones. The new mAadhaar App is designed to save citizens’ Aadhaar numbers as well as demographic information such as name, date of birth, gender, address, and photo on their cellphones. The dashboard services, My Aadhar section, and enrollment center location are the most notable aspects of the New mAadhaar App. In fact users can now share their information via QR code with this new edition of the mAadhaar App.
Aadhaar Card Download New Version
Both iPhone and Android users can download the new mAadhaar app for Aadhaar card. Follow the instructions below to install the app:
- For Android, go to the Google Play Store, and for iPhone, go to the App Store.
- Either Download mAadhaar by typing it into the search field, or download mAadhaar using these links.
Android version from: Link
IOS version from: Link
- Check to verify if the developer’s name is shown as “Unique Identification Authority of India” for the purpose of ensuring that you’re installing the appropriate program.
- The software walks you through the terms and conditions, usage instructions, and language preference settings as soon as you open it. Please go through them thoroughly before proceeding.
Aadhaar Card New Version: Setting up an account
Follow these steps to set up an account in mAadhaar App:
- To begin with start the app.
- On the main dashboard, tap the Register Aadhaar tab.
- Make a four-digit pin/password (memorize this password, as it will be required to access profile)
- Enter a valid Aadhaar and a valid Captcha.
- Fill in a valid OTP and submit it.
- It is necessary to register the profile.
- The registered Aadhaar card Name will now appear on the registered tab.
- On the bottom menu, select the My Aadhaar option.
- Enter a four-digit pin or password.
- My Aadhaar Dashboard is displayed.
Why Should You Download Aadhaar Card New Version
The following are some of the advantages and benefits of using the New mAadhaar App:-
- It is not necessary to carry your genuine Aadhaar card with you at all times. All Aadhaar-based services can be accessed through the mAadhaar app.
- Through this mAadhaar app, you may set Aadhaar lock and even request to lock or unlock your biometrics at any moment.
- If Aadhaar OTP is not provided to your mobile number owing to various reasons, you can utilize the mAadhaar app’s Time-based OTP (TOTP) feature, which is only valid for 30 seconds.
- Users of mAadhaar can share their information by scanning a QR code, which prevents data leakage.
- The user can generate TOTP and VID at any moment and share their eKYC by message or email.
- People can look into their authentication history and even amend their Aadhaar card information.