Famous Bollywood actress and Politician Kirron Kher’s father passed away on Tuesday morning. Her husband Anupam Kher tweeted on twitter to share the news “The 61-years-old actress’ father passed away today in the morning”.
Col. Thakur Singh, Kirron Ji's father departed for a better world this mor. He was one of d kindest persons I have ever met. Will miss him.🙏 pic.twitter.com/DdehEYzoLo
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) November 8, 2016
Anupam Kher tweeted to share the news
“Col Thakur Singh, Kirron Ji’s father departed for a better world this morning. He was one of d kindest persons I have ever met. Will miss him,” Kher tweeted. Kirron’s family still lives in Chandigarh, from where she is also a Member of Parliament for BJP.
Kirron kher father was not well for several days
MP kirron Kher’s father who died at the age of 103 was not well for several days. He was living in house number-65 in Sector 8. As per the information, the cremation of Col Thakur will take place on Wednesday. Kirron Kher is the Member of Parliament to Chandigarh, an Indian film actress and also a host of a reality show.
He was born on 14 June 1955 in Chandigarh and belonging from Sikh family. She completed her Post graduation from Punjab University’s Department of Indian Theatre. Kirron Kher has three siblings two sisters and a brother. Her brother died in the road accident in 2003 and her sister Kanwal Thakkar Kaur who is a badminton player awarded with Arjun award.