Happy Propose Day Messages and Wishes: Like every year, the second day of the Valentine Week is going to be celebrated as the Propose Day. This is one of the favourite days of the year of the youngsters as they get to tell their feelings to their loved ones. The day is mainly celebrated by young people who look for a special day to express their feelings for someone special.
The day is celebrated by sharing Happy Propose Day Messages, Wishes and SMS with the loved ones to tell them that they hold a great place in your life.
Wonderful Happy Propose Day Messages, Wishes and SMS to celebrate the Day

- “All I wanted was Someone to care for me,
All I wanted was Someone who’d b there for me,
All I ever wanted was Someone who’d b true,
All I ever wanted was Someone like You,
Happy Propose Day 2017 Dear.” - “The sweetest way to propose:
“Excuse me, do you have a band aid,
because I scrapped my knee
when I fell in love with you.”
Will you be mine …
Happy Propose Day!!!”
Happy Propose Day Messages - “If I reached for your hand, will u hold it?
If I hold out my arms, will u hug me?
If I go for ur lips, will u kiss me?
If I capture ur heart, will u love me ??
“Happy Propose Day”” - “I Think About You All The Time
Will You Be Mine Forever?
I Must Say I Adore You
I Can Not Live My Life Without You.
It Would Be Long & Dreary.
Happy Propose Day darling…”
Happy Propose Day Wishes - “I’m In an Imbalance State of Mind
What to Give You Because There
Is Nothing More Beautiful &
Sweeter than You. Wish You
A Happy Propose Day My Love.” - “I Am Opening An Emotional Bank Account For U Sweetheart So Deposit Your Love In It And You Will Get The Interest. Be My Valentine! Happy Propose Day…”
Happy Propose Day Wishes - “With Every Beat Of My Heart, I
Will Love You More And More,
After Years Of Togetherness This
Is My Solemn Vow For You, My Love!
Happy Propose Day Sweet Heart.” - “The Minute I Heard My First Love
Story, I Started Looking For
You, Not Knowing How Blind That
Lovers Don’t Finally Meet
Somewhere. They’re In Each Other
All Along. Happy Propose Day.”
Happy Propose Day SMS - “For my part,
I consider that it will be found,
Much better by all parties,
To leave The past to history,
Especially as I propose,
To write that history myself.
I LOve You.” - “My Eyes are eager to see you,
My ears are eager to listen u,
My lips are eager to kiss u,
And my dreams in the night are eager to welcome you.
Happy Propose Day My Sweetheart.”
We are very sure that you might have liked our collection of the Happy Propose Day Messages, Wishes and SMS and that you will now share these with your loved ones without getting any bothered.