Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal again torn out on Government raising the question how BJP’s Rajya Sabha member Mahesh Sharma was managed his daughter’s wedding in Rs 2.5 lakhs. He took a tweet on twitter and asked about the amount of money that was being spent on the wedding.
How Sharma exchanged his old notes, says Arvind Kejriwal
He wrote on twitter asking, was Sharma made all the payments through in Cheques and was he able to complete all the arrangement through a budget of Rs 2.5 lakhs? He even asked Sharma how he had changed his old notes?
Arvind Kejriwal had earlier accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi for disclosing the information to BJP’s members and close industrialist prior to his official announcement.
भाजपा सांसद महेश शर्मा की बेटी की शादी है। क्या सारी चेक से पेमेंट कर रहे हैं? क्या ढाई लाख रुपए में शादी कर रहे हैं? उनके नोट कैसे बदले गए?
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) November 28, 2016
Kejriwal demanded to PM Modi to take action against 600 people who have accounts in Swiss Banks
Kejriwal had also questioned as to why the Prime Minister had not taken any steps against the 600 people having Swiss bank accounts whose account numbers he had himself made public in a press conference. Though, Arvind Kejriwal was also seen losing his temper when he was giving an interview to BBC. He even had questioned the BBC’s veracity as a news agency. Kejriwal had also stood up against the demonetization move taken by the government with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee at Azadpur Mandi in Delhi, where he had been shown black flags by the supporters of PM Narendra Modi.
Sharma replies:
To this, the minister replied: “please correct your information, it is my son who is getting married. All the payments are being made via banks”
अपनी जानकारी सही करिये। मेरे बेटे की शादी है। जी हाँ, सभी पेमेंट बैंक के माध्यम से की जा रही है।
— Dr. Mahesh Sharma (@dr_maheshsharma) November 28, 2016