Social media today, is no longer limited to socializing and making friends. While it started with the sole purpose of that, it has opened up new avenues in directions, no one would’ve ever thought of 15 years ago. Now, people have been using this platform, for creating awareness for social causes, availing justice against cruelties for one another and helping out one another.

Another milestone was accomplished by Facebook, just yesterday introduced a new feature that has made fundraising for non-profit purposes easier and more efficient to collect. Along with that it has made a few updates to what it had launched previously.

With the help of this new tool, your fundraising project for non-profit activity can itself function as a Facebook Page. This Facebook page, will talk all about your cause, your target, your purpose which will help gather supporters quickly because they will be better informed and can make quicker decisions.

Facebook had also launched the Donate button back in 2013, but along with the new fundraising update, it has also given a new shape to it. Not only that, the donate button will now be visible on posts and on pages. Friends and followers will then know better and make a more impromptu decision about the causes they believe in or might start believing.

Let’s just hope, like everything else in the world today, this feature is a help only towards the right cause, and does not add up to all the confusion that is already plaguing us.


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