In future, you might search videos on Facebook instead of YouTube, an newamazing feature of Facebook !

World’s social media king very well know that an image can say thousands of words but a video can say millions of sentences. Currently,YouTube is leading in video market providing latest features to video uploader and viewers. Additionally, Google AdSense has given a powerful boost to revenue of YouTube by sharing revenue to video up loader. To beat this market Facebook launched Live Video service in last August for celebrities. Now it is available for all. Any Android or iPhone mobile user can make live videos by simply tapping an icon.

Many social companies have an eye on video streaming and sharing platform for their user. It will be not surprising for us if Facebook gives subscription, like, comment option below every video. Many video makers are now making money through video uploading. NowadaysYouTube stars are making millions of rupees by uploading videos of tricks, life hacks, recipes, stunts and many more activities over the internet. They are also having an eagle eye on Facebook live streaming features.

Facebook has a page where you can see all live videos uploaded by users. It is also possible that this feature may play a major role in next election. A political leader can use it for wide publicity through social networking site. As per expert, the success of Facebook live video depends on rate and way of monetizing videos, which can also attract people who were not approved by Google Adsense in YouTube video monetizing.

So theFacebook live video is a shining chance for new video stars and a warning signal for YouTube, but there is a win-win scenario for viewers.


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