The BJP has criticized Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and former finance Minister P Chidambaram for demanding for the Video evidence of the surgical strike carried out by the Indian Army across the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir last week. Union Minister Ravi Prasad Shankar said that “why is Kejriwal being influenced by the Pakistani propaganda?” He suggested him to remain united at a time of crises, a day after the CM Kejriwal asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to show proof of the surgical strike.
Prasad said Kejriwal is now making headlines in Pakistan for his doubts over Indian Army operation in which 50 suspected terrorist were killed. He also suggested Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader to not to demoralize the Army by asking for the proof. While attacking senior congress leader P Chidambaram, Prasad demanded to know if Chidambaram comments were official statement of the Congress party, “I want to ask him if he is also joining the bandwagon of doubting the capacity of our jawans in conducting surgical strikes,” he said”.
Chidambaram on Monday said it was up to the Government to show proof of the surgical strikes conducted on September 28 night in which the army destroyed seven terror launch pads in Pakistan- controlled Kashmir.
Hitting back at the Bjp, AAP asked Prasad why the Government is not unmasking the Pakistani propaganda.” I am amazed that Ravi Shankar Prasad instead of exposing Propaganda is questioning AK. Shows BJP’s bankruptcy of ideas.” AAp leader Ashutosh tweeted.
Reveal the proof of Surgical Strike: Kejriwal
Kejriwal had on Monday “hats off” PM Modi for the surgical strikes with a warning, he must come up with the evidence of the Indian Army’s operation to expose Pakistan’s false propaganda. Kejriwal in his three-minute video message focused on Pakistan’s claims that no surgical strike was ever conducted on terrorist launch pads across the LoC and urged Modi to give the appropriate reply Pakistan’s propaganda as we have been giving Pakistan on ground.
Indian wants surgical strike against Pakistan but not fake: Sanjay Nirupam
Remarking on surgical strike, congress leader Sanjay Nirupam in a tweet said “Every Indian wants surgical strikes against Pakistan but not a fake one.” He also said “I respect the Indian armed forces, but the way the political gains are being usurped by the BJP it is wrong. They have put up posters across the country claiming that only the BJP had the guts to do it”. After his tweet a massive controversy was triggered today.
Every Indian wants #SurgicalStrikesAgainstPak but not a fake one to extract just political benefit by #BJP.
Politics over national interest— Sanjay Nirupam (@sanjaynirupam) October 4, 2016
Nirupam in a tweet said, “Every Indian wants surgical strikes against Pakistan but not a fake one.” At the time of Congress Government, three surgical strikes had been undertaken but such kind of propaganda was not done that BJP did, he added.