The chief minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao on Thursday stepped into his new official resident located in Begumpet. His new home named “Pragati Bhawan” equipped with most advanced technology. The news expansive bunglow of CM KCR’s is bulletproof, vastu-complaint and of course wonderful.
CM Chandrasekhar Rao did not call anybody to his formal funciton
CM KCR along with his wife moved into the bungalow amidst the chanting of Vedas. The formal function was presided over by Shri Tridandi. It is notable that the function was really simple that even son of KCR, KT Rama Rao who holds the information Technology in the Telangana cabinet, his daughter K kavita, MP from Nizamabad, KCR’s newphew T Harish Rao, Irrigation Minister also skipped it.
Governor came to greet him when the function was over
On the other hand governor of the State, ESL Narasimhan did not attend the function and came after his home when the function was over to greet CM K Chandrasekhar Rao. The bungalow also comprise of CM office and a conference hall where KCR will meet people.
KCR had stopped visiting the office located at sixth floor of the C Block at the Telangana Secretariat about a year ago. He has been functioning from the CM office at Begumpet. The two constructed building which was constructed by late CM Y S Rajasekhara Reddy have been converted into VVIP guest house and official quarters.