Mr India Title is a dream for most of the Indian men who are looking for a successful career in modelling or entertainment industry. It is a step ahead towards their dreams the winner of this competition also represents India in World pageant, which a great achievement in itself.
Mr India 2016 was also a gala held last night in Mumbai in which more than 16 contestants who have been selected from thousands of entries showcased their talent.
But ultimately there is always one winner in the battle and this time Bengaluru boy emerged as the winner of the competition. Vishnu Raj Menon has been crowned as the winner of Mr India World 2016 pageant.
Menon, who hails from Bengaluru was announced as Peter England Mr India World 2016 by Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, in a star-studded ceremony here last night. Here are some of his pictures which you might like to see after he won his title and will represent India in world pageant.
Here are some of his pictures of Mr India 2016 Vishnu Raj S Menon which you might like to see after he won his title and will represent India in world pageant.
And here are some Non-Instagram Ones: