Chetan Bhagat twitter polls show that the PM enjoys a blind support of the masses

Chetan Bhagat twitter polls: Author Chetan Bhagat conducted yet another online poll for the article upon which he is currently working. Chetan Bhagat resorted to Twitter to gather peoples’ opinion about Narendra Modi. Bhagat asked the people if they would be okay with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision of calling an Emergency in India to fight corruption. Another question that the author posed was if the people would want to see Modi as the leader of the country even if it means lesser democracy.

Chetan Bhagat twitter polls show that the leader enjoys a blind support of the masses

Chetan Bhagat twitter polls show that the citizens support the Prime Minister blindly

“If u had a choice of keeping Modi as our leader but with less democracy, would u be ok with it?”, Chetan Bhagat tweeted. Out of 10000 people who responded, almost 5500 said that they would still want to see Narendra Modi as their leader.

The next question that he asked was – “Hypothetically, if Modi wanted to declare an emergency for a while to totally eradicate corruption and punish corrupt, will you support him?” To this 57 percent of the total 9000 people who voted said that they would definitely want to see this happen.

Chetan Bhagat twitter polls show that the leader enjoys a blind support of the masses

Chetan Bhagat was himself shocked at the blind support that the Prime Minister received. He said that either the people do not value what they have or else they don’t undertsand the true meaning of democracy.

Chetan Bhagat twitter polls show that the leader enjoys a blind support of the masses

The polls conducted by the author reveal that the leader has a mammoth support of the masses even for the decision the repercussions of which they have definitely not thought through.

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