Tamil Nadu looks for Alternate of Jayalalithaa, Edappadi and Panneerselvam are AIDAMK’s Top-List

AIDAMK  has to look forward  for choosing Stand-in leadership to hold the reins of the government. Having spent nearly two weeks in the hospital by Tamil Nadu chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has been advised a longer stay there. The party functionaries are discussing to choose alternate of Jayalalithaa.

Palaniswami v/s Panneerselvam, who will be the alternate of Jayalalithaa?

Among the options being considered are handing over the charge of Jayalalithaa to the senior minister, AIDAMK is considering the senior cabinet ministers Edappadi K Palaniswami and O Panneerselvam as  alternate CM in place of former actress until she recovers.

Tamil Nadu looks for Alternate of Jayalalithaa, Edappadi and Panneerselvam are AIDAMK's Top-List

 Governor is looking into this matter

Acting governor C Vidyasagar Rao had a meeting with Palaniswani and Panneerselvam at Raj Bhawan in the last evening where these developments happened. A Raj Bhawan statement said the governor discussed on this issue relating to general administration.

Chief Secretary P Rama Mohana Rao briefed the governor about functions are being carried out on a day-by-day basis. After concluding the meeting with the governor, the ministers dropped in at Apollo hospital where the other cabinet colleagues were gathered.

Panneerselvam may get the benefit of Jayalalithaa’s reliance

Panneerselvam is in Jayalalithaa’s good books and has been a long time part functionary and minister. He was also a caretaker CM on two occasions in 2001 and 2014 when Jayalalithaa had to vacate the post owing to legal barriers.

It’s worth meaning here that the unwell CM has been admitted to the Apollo hospital on September 22 due to her respiratory illness. Doctors are taking care of her and advised to stay in the hospital for longer. On the other hand, the fans and supporters of Jayalalithaa are awaited to see her fit to serve the Tamilnadu again.

A team of doctors and the experts from All India institute of Medical Science, New Delhi along with international specialist Dr. Richard John Beale from London Bridge Hospital, the UK including a panel of doctors consisting intensivists cardiologists, respiratory physicians and diabetologists are treating her.

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