National Smile Day: History, Significance, and Interesting Facts
A smile is a universal language that exceeds borders, cultures, and languages.…
World No Tobacco Day: History, Significance, And Interesting Facts
Today, we’ll talk about something that affects millions of lives worldwide: tobacco.…
National Biscuit Day: History, Significance, and Interesting Facts
Crunchy or crumbly, sweet or savory, biscuits have been a beloved culinary…
National Brisket Day: History, Significance, and Interesting Facts
Half of the population has been totally relying on meat and 350…
International Burger Day: History, Significance, and Interesting Facts
Weekend is around and we all have some or other plan for…
International Everest Day: History, Significance, and Interesting Facts
It is widely accepted that Mount Everest is the world's highest mountain…
National Wine Day: History, Significance, and Celebrations
We all have been hearing about the health benefits of wines. They…
National Brothers Day: History, Significance, and Celebrations
A bond with a brother, whether brother-brother or sister-brother, is very special.…
International Tea Day: History, Significance, and Facts
Hey there, tea lovers! Guess what? It's International Tea Day, and that…
World Bee Day: History, Significance, and Facts
For years bees, among the hardest-working organisms on the earth, have helped…
International Museum Day: History, Significance, and Facts
Museums are among the most exciting venues in the world. After all,…
National Lemonade Day : History, Significance, and Celebration
What is the first thing that comes to your mind during summer?…