DSGPC decides against firecrackers, urges Sikh Community to avoid bursting crackers this Gurupurab

Gurupurab : It has become almost a trend in India to fire crackers on festivals and weddings. The maximum amount of crackers is burst on Diwali and on Gurupurab that follows a few weeks later.


Gurupurab 2016 – DSGPC decides against firecrackers

However, this time around the Delhi Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee has decided against it owing to increasing smog in Delhi and in other parts of India. It has urged the masses to say NO to fireworks this Gurupurab.

DSGPC decides against firecrackers, asks the masses to avoid bursting crackers this Guru Nanak Jayanti


“We have decided not to burn any firecrackers this year on Gurpurab which is celebrated by the Sikh community like Diwali. The decision of DSGMC will be conveyed to all 700 Singh Sabha who will spread the message to all Gurdwaras in Delhi and hence the community associated with those Gurdwaras will also become aware of the decision. The idea is to spread awareness about the need to focus on environment-friendly ways to celebrate a festival”

-Manjeet Singh GK, President DSGPC

The committee does not hold any power to impose a ban on cracking fireworks, however, the impact of its word will be huge as the Sikh community have always been abiding by its decisions earlier as well.

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