A recent study by Pew Research Centre reveals that Jews are the world’s most educated religious group with an average 13.4 years of schooling and also the majority of them go for higher education. On the flipside, Hindus and Muslims are recorded to have fewest years of schooling i.e. 5.6 years of schooling on an average.
Hindus are the most educated religious group in North America
One big reason for this synopsis is that most of the jews live in developed countries where the basic amenities are better provided and the education levels are high in general. While most of the Hindus and Muslims live in the underdeveloped or the third world countries due to which their education levels are also low.

While in the North America and Europe region, Hindus are the most educated of all the religious groups. “However, Hindus still have the lowest level of educational attainment of any major religious group”, the report said.
“On average, Hindu men have 2.7 more years of schooling than Hindu women, and just over half of Hindu women (53%) have no formal schooling, compared with 29% of Hindu men. Even in the youngest generation of adults in the study, Hindu women are considerably more likely than Hindu men to have received no formal education (38% vs. 20%)”.

“Some scholars suggest that the source of the Christian-Muslim attainment gap is rooted in the location of Christian missionary activity during colonial times. Missionary-built educational facilities were often located in what became heavily Christian areas rather than predominantly Muslim locales … As a result, Christians gained an educational edge over Muslims that lasted decades.”
In North America, 96 percent of the Hindus receive a college degree while almost all of them have received formal schooling, while the scenario is completely opposite for Hindus in India.