The public’s opinion on CBD is constantly changing and evolving. It’s a topic that is controversial and taboo for those who haven’t really done research on what it truly is. However, regardless of people’s feelings towards it, researchers and studies will just continue to back this up: CBD can manage anxiety and pain.

What is CBD?
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is an ingredient derived from the cannabis plant. This plant has two species: hemp and marijuana. Both contain CBD but hemp contains a higher percentage of it, while marijuana contains higher THC. It’s this ingredient that gets people high. The CBD ingredient is not psychoactive and hence, won’t give you the feeling of euphoria.
With the legalization of CBD in 2018 in the U.S., the industry just continues to boom. According to BDS Analytics, the leading researchers of CBD, market sales in the U.S. will reach $20 billion by 2024, at an annual compound growth rate of 49%. Not only are CBD-infused products available in pharmacies and dispensaries, but also in general retail (cafes, malls, smoke shops, grocery stores).
There are many uses and benefits to using CBD, both in serious medical issues (dealing with seizures, cancer-related symptoms, multiple sclerosis ) and at home (stress, muscle pain, acne, losing weight). CBD is a growing and valuable industry, hence you can expect continuous studies, discoveries and fads to come out of it. This article will particularly look at how exactly CBD deals with anxiety and pain relief.
CBD to Ease Anxiety
CBD has been found to decrease stress and anxiety. Even physiological symptoms of anxiety (for example, increased heart rate) were improved under the influence of CBD.
To scientifically explain this, there are different receptors in the human body. Receptors are chemical structures attached to your cells and receive signals from stimuli. When CBD is taken, it is thought to interact with your CB1 receptor (found mostly in the central nervous system) and CB2 receptor (in the peripheral nervous system).
This next part isn’t fully understood yet. CBD has been found to alter the serotonin signals in the CB1 receptors in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which affects your mental health. Low serotonin levels are associated with depression/stress/anxiety. CBD has been found to positively improve the serotonin levels.
Additionally, CBD has also reduced other forms of anxiety, such as social anxiety disorder (SAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety-induced insomnia. Studies support this.
Yes, there have been several studies regarding CBD’s calming and therapeutic effects. However, more research still needs to be done as there hasn’t been enough controlled clinical trials that indicate that CBD directly treats anxiety and depression. In short, it doesn’t have the strong scientific evidence yet to be declared as a potential, official treatment.
There are several products available that you can easily implement in your daily routine. There are CBD pills, capsules and vitamins that are fit for daily intake. You can easily start buying CBD snacks and drinks such as chocolates, gummies, beer, water and coffee. Since CBD comes in the form of oil, you can pretty much add it to anything. If you’re a smoker, there are vapes available. There’s even CBD bath bombs now for those who want to relax after a long day’s work. Finally, they come in the form of tinctures – the little drop of CBD that’s placed under your tongue has a strong effect as it’s immediately absorbed into the bloodstream.
There’s a growing list of companies, stores and online retailers, such as Cheefbotanicals, that provide a variety of great CBD products.
CBD to Treat Pain
The European Journal of Pain conducted dozens of trials and studies that presented substantial evidence of CBD’s positive effects to treat arthritis and general chronic pain. The researchers applied a CBD gel on rats with arthritis for four days, and found that it lowered signs of pain and inflammation.
Another study revealed that CBD inhibits neuropathic pain, one of the two hardest types of chronic pain to tend to. It’s important to remember though, that more studies in humans are still needed in this area (of pain control) to confirm findings.
Again, there’s also products that one can use at home for quick pain relief. CBD can come in the form of lotions, creams and oils that can relieve your muscles and joints for any localized discomfort. A strong CBD tincture also, may be a good option for long-lasting results. These are the strongest form of the oil.
In Conclusion…
The benefits of CBD are enlightening. Surely more clinical experiments and testing will be done to confirm it as an official treatment for many medical problems. If you’re someone going through anxiety, stress or any chronic pain, it may be a good idea to start searching for CBD options. Just make sure to buy from reliable sources, research the proper dosage and discuss with your doctor on how CBD may help you.