Every time you folks hit the gym, the only thing on mind is to get lean, so that the dream of a physique which can be achieved. Normally people forget that only working out at gym is not going to do the magic, at the end of the day everything counts on diet. The diet needs a special attention as every muscle of the body depends on it. Trainers suggest diet after analyzing the fat and muscle immunity.
Physical trainers gives lot of attention on diet and those who want to get lean, they have to follow those rules and charts allocated to them. Cut the crap, these super foods are enough to get a lean physique and you can find these foods in your refrigerator. Get up and kick that fat ass.
Chicken Breast

The best source of protein can be found in chicken breast as this super food helps to get lean if taken at the suggested time. Chicken breast is rich in protein and almost every single trainer includes this food in the diet chart. It is recommended if you are looking to get lean then other parts of the chicken should not be eaten as they are rich in fat and carbohydrates.

This fruit actually helps in boosting the muscle growth, strength and endurance. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C which cuts the excess fat from the body and helps to get lean. It is better to eat oranges before workouts.
Eggs (White)
Eggs are the best source of amino acids which helps in the digestion and helps to get lean. Eggs should be consumed after taking a proper advice from trainer. It is suggested that only white portion of eggs should be eaten as the yellow portion consist huge amount of cholesterol. But if you have passion for working out in gym them yolks will be beneficial for the body.
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is rich in casein protein; cottage cheese is a great go to protein source. It should be consumed before going to bed as casein takes time to digest which means it prevents your muscles from being used as an energy source while you fast during the night.
Brown Rice
Brown rice is the best source to get lean; the slow digesting whole grain food provides everlasting energy throughout and during workouts. Brown Rice boosts the growth hormone level which reduces fat from the muscle and gains strength. If you have plans for including brown rice to get lean, then it is recommended that it should consumed before hitting the bed.
Organic Milk
There is no doubt that dairy products are the best source of energy and almost every single dairy product blazes the body with vitality, but if a person wants to get lean then he must drink organic milk. Organic Milk contains both whey protein and casein and is also rich in glutamine and organic milk. Organic Milk has more Omega 3 fatty acids than conventional milk.
The green leafy vegetable is a high source of fiber and a good source of glutamine which is important to get lean. Spinach contains high concentration of iron which helps in increasing the muscle strength and endurance. So don’t forget to include this super food in your diet.
Like spinach apple is a rich source of Iron, a specific polyphenols is found in apples which fires up the body and prevents muscle fatigue, allowing training harder for longer time periods. Research shows that these polyphenols cuts the excess fat and helps to get lean. That is why Apples are pre-workout carb source.
Whole Grain Bread
Whole grain bread is made from the sprouted grains and wheat grain. As it contains grains and legumes, it is highly rich in protein. The whole grain bread contains all the nine amino acids which cannot be produced by body; this is the reason why it helps to get lean muscle.
Greek Yogurt
This dairy product is the brother of plain yogurt which has the same source i.e. Milk. However, Greek Yogurt contains more proteins than plain one which is beneficial to get lean. The carbohydrates in this yogurt are bit more but with intense workout session these carbohydrates can be burnt. A body normally requires 30 grams of protein and Greek yogurt contains a whopping 20 g.
This kind of plan can be followed by both women and men as these foods are extremely helpful to get lean. Moreover, a regular workout session is required if anyone is looking to stock these foods