PM Narendra Modi played his “googly move” by scrapping Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on Tuesday that clean bowled many. While this move has been appreciated by the masses, there were yet other far-sighted personalities who discussed its massive repercussions. Some of the tweets by leading Twitterati on Modi’s move were –
Also Read: Download Exchange form to Change 500 and 1000 Rupee Notes, Find out what more you can do
Reaction of Twitterati on Modi’s move
This is truly a masterstroke move!!!! @narendramodi hits it out of the stadium!!!! 🇮🇳
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) November 8, 2016
To uncover the illicit money trail, we demand that the govt release the name of Top 100 defaulters of bank loans.
— Sitaram Yechury (@SitaramYechury) November 8, 2016
Also Read: Here’s all you need to know about new notes
Mamta Banerjee was quick to react in her outrageous tweet.
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) November 8, 2016
Watch out for the political party which has hoarded 100 rupee notes for the UP elections!
— M K Venu (@mkvenu1) November 8, 2016
M K Venu, editor at Financial express and the Hindu took a jab on Modi in his tweet.
Poorly planned and not thought through, this move means harassment for millions not connected to the banking system.
— Sitaram Yechury (@SitaramYechury) November 8, 2016
How one man is shaping the destinies of 1.3 Billion.
He is blessed!
He is our own @PMOIndia@narendramodi_in— Kiran Bedi (@thekiranbedi) November 8, 2016
Ladies and Gentlemen, cash, is the new trash.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 8, 2016
What happens to those who are going to buy necessary articles for marriages including jewellery, clothes etc?:
— INC India (@INCIndia) November 8, 2016
The repercussions of Modi’s move are not only limited to black money, a lot of hassle will also be caused to the masses as it can be already seen. The question that arises is – Had PM Modi not thought out the grave consequences of his move thoroughly and just acted in haste? Do let us know your opinion on the matter in the comment section below!