Trump vs Hilary Face-Off: Live Updates from 2nd Presidential Debate

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Questioned about the leaked tape in which Donald Trump in which he was heard using disgraceful terms for women?

  • Donald Trump Apologised for his disgraceful comments on women by calling it a locked-room conversation and tried to change the topic including ISIS.
  • Hilary called it the nature of trump to use disgraceful terms for women. And then tried to relate with Americans to add emotionally.

Q. How his campaign has changed him?

  • Donald Trump again targeted Hilary for weak policies on Americans and attacked Bill Clinton for also being disgraceful towards the women.

Trump received huge appreciation from the audience for his answer.

  • Hilary targeted trump for his  racist image as she counted multiple examples of his disgraceful comments and asked for a national apology.
  • Trump replied by calling for a national apology from Hilary for her E-mail scams. and said if he will be chosen as President and he will call for a special prosecutor for and called to sent Hilary in Jail.

Questioned about Hilary’s Email leaks !

  • Hilary again apologised for the email leaks and denied the hacking of her email IP Address and leaking confidential data.
  • Trump mocked her for her fact checkings and targeted her.

Donald Trump accused Hilary of trying to get off of the questions on Email leaks.

Question about making Obama Healthcare affordable !

Hilary: Hilary tells some ideas to make it affordable and said she is committed to making this an affordable for the Americans.

Trump: Trump called this act a complete disaster and want to replace this with a totally new act which will be much more affordable.

Trump called to bring competition among the insurance companies so that they will be forced to make the health care insurance affordable for everyone.

Q. How both the candidates will bring the confidence among Americans about the Muslims to bring them out of Islamophobia?

Trump called till then the problems related to the Global Islamic Terrorism can’t be sorted out and told that he will priorly sort out such issues.

Hilary called that America is for all and Migrants who are migrating to the US are suffering from war and she will not going to ban the migration in the United States. and she doesn’t support banning entry to the US on the basis of religion.

Trump said if someone with criminal records is entering the United States and  if Hilary can’t’ force him/her back to their country then He is willing to do that because there is no space for people with criminal records in the US.

Q. Hilary’s take on the recent WikiLeaks claims on her paid speeches during the campaign?

Hilary tried to get off the question by indulging other issues in between like Russian hacking in the United States and denied any such claims over her and also included the Donald’s Income Tax issue in between.

Trump called her take ridiculous as she tried to get off the question and replied to his tax paying issue in a typical way like others time.

Q. How they will make sure the fair tax paying among the Americans whether it is the wealthiest or the middle-class families?

Trump called for lowering the taxes and giving a relief to all, whether it is businessmen or the middle-class family and targeted the current administration failing to maintain US’s GDP growth.

Hilary targeted trump again from getting off the tax paying and called he only wants to advantage the businessmen and want to further lower down the GDP as he has no understanding of leadership.


Q. What the both candidates willing to do to eliminate IS from Syria and Iraq?

Hilary targeted Russia for its stand on Syria and failed Ceasefire in Syria and promised to continue talks with the international community for aid in sorting out the situation in Syria and Iraq, and also to eliminate ISIS.

Trump accused the anchors of being biased towards him and keeping intervening in between his answers and giving extra time to Hilary.

Trump promised for a tough stand against ISIS and said he is not like Hilary and is willing to fight against ISIS by taking tough decisions.

Q. How will you convince Americans that you are a devoted presidential candidate?

Hilary again called America is for all and this is what she is going to make sure that the United States will keep on getting better and better.

Trump also called himself a devoted Presidential candidate who is willing to bettering the lives of Americans.

Over the question of appointing the Supreme Court judges, the opinions of both candidates vary as Hilary called the list of Trump’s appointment of judges are anti-women and holds a really bad background of judgements and also called for an online poll for the appointment of new justices.

Trump replied and called that the list of the justices he has are very well received by the people and are well qualified to be appointed.

Q. Name the one character in each other to whom they respect?

This question created a laughter initially in the hall and everyone agreed with the question. 

Both of then ended the debate on the positive note and where they both appreciated each other and complimented. Trump also appreciated Hilary being a warrior and the hall appreciated this gesture of Trump.

To Conclude the debate, this was very much a draw between the candidates. However, Hilary failed to capitalise the issue of Trump’s latest tape leaks and Trump maintained to take over the thought of republicans that he may pull out of the candidacy. So, in that sense, it was a draw as the both candidates successfully ended the debate on the positive note.

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