Wi-Fi Connectivity is now the biggest craving among people beating Alcohol, Chocolate & Sex – Survey

Wi-Fi is an indispensable part of the modern technology. It has become so important that nowadays almost every device features it. Be it smartphones, smart watches, tablets, headsets, TV, laptops, PCs and so on, all of them feature Wi-Fi connectivity. It has become a stock feature of laptops and smartphones which hint at its importance. According to a survey, almost half of the people would pick Wi-Fi over chocolates, alcohol and, ahem, sex too.

Wi-Fi Connectivity

Wi-Fi connectivity is now the most sought after thing

The survey was conducted by iPass, a leading provider of global mobile connectivity, on more than 1,700 people. The results revealed that 40 percent of the pupils made Wi-Fi their number 1 priority. It was followed by sex which was the first choice of 37 percent respondents. 14 percent went for a bar of chocolate while only 9 percent picked alcohol.

“We all want Wi-Fi first, because of faster speeds, lower prices and the better user experience it affords,” said Patricia Hume, Chief Commercial Officer for iPass.

Wi-Fi Connectivity

According to ‘The iPass Mobile Professional Report 2016’, approximately 75 percent of subjects agreed that Wi-Fi has led to an improvement in the quality of their life.

More about the survey

When it comes to mobile professionals, Wi-Fi drastically affects their decision making. They make their choices in light of availability of Wi-Fi services. They obviously would not like to be charged heavily for data usage or roaming charges etc. In such cases, Wi-Fi comes to their rescue as many apps give them free access to instant messaging, voice as well as video calls. This means that if they have access to Wi-Fi, they cut down their bills significantly.

Also see :- Patna Railway Station’s free Wi-Fi is being used for Porn.

72 percent of the respondents agreed that they have chosen hotels, flights, airports etc on the basis of Wi-Fi service. Nearly 21 percent also said that they do it all the time. It also revealed that 72 percent of the respondents have used free Wi-Fi at an airport.


Hume said, “Mobile professionals, in particular, expect to remain connected at all times, whether at home, travelling between client meetings, at their hotel or even in-flight.” Around sixty percent of the pupils were from North America while the remaining 40 percent were from Europe. Hume added, “The Wi-Fi experience is increasingly affecting mobile professionals’ travel choices, even at 30,000 feet, with more than a third of respondents having selected their airline based on its Wi-Fi connectivity offerings.”

What else?

“Long gone are the days when Wi-Fi was only a ‘nice-to-have’ at airports and in-flight. Mobile professionals are no longer content to sit and wait for their flights. Instead, they want to remain productive or simply unwind during this valuable time,” Hume further added.

What do you think about it? If you had been a part of the survey, what would you choose? Wi-Fi connectivity, sex, chocolates or booze? I would have been confused between chocolates and Wi-Fi but finally, would have picked Wi-Fi connectivity as well. That’s all folks. Stay tuned for more updates.

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