Electronic passes at airports will soon replace paper passes says Bureau of Civil Aviation Security

Electronic passes at airports will soon replace the use of paper passes as said by the aviation security regulator India, Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS).

Electronic passes at airports to be introduced by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security

Electronic passes at airports will soon replace paper passes and the paper tags says Bureau of Civil Aviation Security

Furthermore, the use of paper tags on the handbags will also be scrapped soon. However, the paper passes will still prevail for the ones who cannot get an electronic pass. Once the electronic passes become fully operational, all you will be required to do is to produce the picture of the electronic pass in your mobile phone at the security check, and you’re done.

This hassle -free system of security check is in line with the ‘Digital India’ initiative of the Modi-led government.

“This rule (on paper boarding pass) is not relevant today because airports have computers and the passes are scanned anyway and that gives a sense on the number of people who have boarded the flight…Tearing a part of the boarding pass is not required anymore. The authorities have agreed and soon the requirement will be withdrawn.”

-an official told the media

Apart from this, the aviation ministry is sought to bring in more reforms at the airports like the extension of validity of the entry passes for airlines(AEPs) and the airport executives.

Electronic passes at airports will soon replace paper passes and the paper tags says Bureau of Civil Aviation Security

Another government official added, “This annual renewal of AEPs is a pain point for airline and airport executives…To make the AEP passes more secure, we will also introduce biometric features in it…The approvals would be automated and the application can also be submitted digitally.”

 The electronic passes are already in use at the Rajiv Gandhi airport in Hyderabad, the government will soon make all the airports in the country e-pass enabled.

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