Musk and Fortune are in war over fatal accident of Tesla Model S

The war of words is gaining momentum between Fortune magazine and CEO Elon Musk. This has started when Fortune magazine reported that, “Tesla motors are responsible for fatal accident of Tesla Model S.” In counter attack the CEO had said, “ the allegations are not true.”

Fortune magazine is targeting its gun on Tesla, as Tesla motors and Musk combined made a whopping US$ 2 billion by selling their shares at a public offering on May 18. The announcement of fatal car accident wasn’t made before the offering which occurred on May 7.

Reports of accident were informed to NTHSA or National Transport Highway Safety Administration. Even the investigator who was supposed to reach Florida to retrieve the logbooks was unable to make it on required day; and was late by two days.

The car which was on autopilot mode couldn’t identify a white rear portion of a trawler and ended up in a fatal crash. The external sensors are to be revamped and save from future car crashes. Moreover, the internal sensors should also track the eye movement of the person placed in the car. There needs to be one alert system to warn the driver of any awkward incidents about to happen.

Tesla motors has not used Lidar and it’s external sensors were not able to detect the white color of trawler and bright sunny sky and hence the algorithm was incorrect. Lot of improvement is yet to be made in the field of self-drive cars, to make it a reality by year 2020.

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