We’ve all really become very crazy about the idea of social media to the extent that we want to capture every moment of it and put it on the web. This want of sharing what we’re doing every moment and every second has made Snapchat really popular among us. Snapchat lets us do all of this sharing and while at the same time, is your hassle free social media. In fact, the app also has this discover button that helps platforms like Buzzfeed, Discovery to connect from their fans and viewers.
According to this recent news, Snapchat is going to face some serious music for there have been claims that off and on, it displays content that unsuitable for children without the approval of their parents. This lawsuit was filed by a mother and her 14 year old son in California. It clearly says that Snapchat very regularly broadcasts sexually explicit content without the consent of their parents.
If you look up in the App store, Snapchat claims that it is suitable for pupils aged 12 years and above. Although there is mention about the not so harmful sexual content that is broadcasted on Snapchat, it does not talk about what really happens over it.
Not to forget, the partners who put up the story in the discovery section are equally responsible for this carelessness, but is not uncommon for Snapchat to act as a guiding light towards how the story should feel and the right content.
Snapchat might need to pay some penalties and provide warnings about the inappropriate content.