Willis Towers Watson Report: Ten Percent salary hike will be there in 2017

Willis Towers Watson Report: As per a recent survey, 80 percent of employees in India suffer from job stress for which they say their employers have no programme to combat it. The survey had been undertaken by a leading advisory company Willis Towers Watson and the reports are based on 2016 Salary Budget Planning.

Willis Towers Watson Report 2016

Willis Towers Watson Report

It also says that the increase in salaries in the year 2017 is projected to rise at 10 percent.

As per the report, salaries are expected to increase in 2017 in India. The increase in salaries in the year 2015 registered in the nation was 10 percent while it was expected to rise by 10.8 percent.

“The data clearly shows a greater emphasis on rewarding high performers rather than across-the-board increases for all workers. Without such differentiation, companies will face pressure in attracting and retaining talent, especially for in-demand areas. Employers have to think beyond inflation-linking and look at more nuanced factors such as affordability, growth expectations, both employee and company performance, and specific talent and skills needs”, said Sambhav Rakyan, data services practice leader, Asia Pacific, Willis Towers Watson.

Financial sector registers less salary hike, while the pharmaceutical sector registers the most salary hike. Sambhav Rakyan said that the companies should communicate the reasons behind the salary hike to their employees properly. It is also imperative to reward the good performers. As per the report, 34 percent of the total revenue goes to top performers while 28 percent goes to average performers.

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